About us

It's Simple and we have listened. Our website has adapted to what our customers need right now. How to fix, where can we get the parts and of course how to keep prices down and keep your machine running.
For advice our email form is simple and will be answered. Also our contact details are listed.
Our main aim is to keep our customers old and new happy with our service. Always there.

Find Your Spare Part Now..

Appliance broken? No worries...  We're here!

Please fill in the form below with a description of your problem. Everything to identify the part helps. So find the model number on your machine. It's generally on the door or on the bezel or perhaps on the rear of the machine. Contact us and we will get you back to cooking, washing, cleaning pronto. If you're not sure we can also arrange a call out to see what's needed to get your appliance back to being it's best.  

Service Call / Parts Enquiry

Contact Details

091 526202 / 562629 / 0868325000 (text/WhatsApp) 

Worst Case Scenario... Hmmmm

We have you covered!

A full range of the newest Hoover Candy Bosch Siemens Whirlpool Hotpoint Nordmende products, are available in stock or to order, be delivered and installed by our fully insured technicians. We can also match ALL local prices. Just ask instore.